
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Quality Blog posts and commenting

We have been thinking about what we have been learning. Blog posts are helpful when we are trying to explain what we have been learning. We are also thinking about how confident we are when we are learning and practising new things. We reflect on how much we enjoyed each task and also think about what we will do next time to make our final products even better. 
This slide show will remind us how to make quality blog posts and comments.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Movie making: Take 2.

Today we attempted to create another movie. We used one of the scripts that we had written ourselves. Next time we need to make sure our script is in order and makes sense and it is clear what everyone is doing. We also need the actors to be louder and give them time to practice next time we make a movie.
We learnt that holding the camera can hurt your arms, we are looking forward to getting a tripod.
We learnt about the clapper. We used it so that it can sync up the audio and sound. We recorded the sound separately so that the speaking is clearer.
We had to re take some shots because we had cut off some of the recording. We also had to retake some shots to make sure the story made sense. Next time we will make sure we record before the clapper, we also need to make sure we say "cut" well after the actors have spoken, this will mean we can edit it more easily and ensure none of the speech is cut off.

It was a pretty good first attempt at a whole movie from scratch, we think we tried a range of camera shots and angles and we also worked well as a team in each different role; director, clapper, actors, sound recording, camera person.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Rubbish Trip


Yesterday we had a visit from Liam and Hannah from the "Rubbish Trip".

They talked to us about living with out a rubbish bin and how they live by the 6 Rs: REFUSE- REPLACE-REDUCE- REUSE-RECYCLE-ROT.REFUSE is the most important R. There would be no rubbish in the first place if we refuse unnecessary plastic and packaging.
They made us think about how much waste we are making and how we can reduce it. They reminded us about how plastic is ruining our sea and environment.
They asked us to think about making one small change to become more waste free. Here are our ideas:
  • Ask our parents to buy us bamboo toothbrushes.
  • See if we can get some metal straws. 
  • We are going to refuse plastic straws in a big loud voice at cafes and shops.
  • Buy our family members reusable coffee cups as gifts.
  • Use fabric bags or offer to carry the groceries if our whanau forget their carry bags.
  • We are keen to try and make some soap and shampoo at home or at school. We would also like to learn more about the Japanese wrapping technique Foroshiki.
Check out their website for more info!